Students At Home

For Everyone Who Learns at Home

Review: The Falling Woman

A woman falls from an exploding airplane and disappears. It’s Charlie Radford’s job to find the falling woman, but he’s merely a pawn in a political game. He’s also struggling to come to terms with his wife’s desire for a child.

Meanwhile, Erin has reached a breaking point in her cancer treatment and in her personal life. She takes a cross-country trip to think things through and finds herself the sole miraculous survivor of a plane crash. To protect her family, she chooses to escape into solitude in the Virginia cabin of her ex-lover.

Will Charlie be able to find the fallen woman or is she gone forever? Will Erin continue to find the life she craves?

This book is touted as “fast-paced and full of twists and surprises,” but I found it quite boring. I didn’t care whether Charlie found the Falling Woman or not. And while I sympathized with Erin, I didn’t connect with her emotionally at all. The beginning of the book may have contributed to my dissatisfaction. The author introduces the falling woman then switches gears to Erin and Charlie, and I was confused about why he was talking about these two characters.

I did like the end where Charlie and Erin talked about the rewards and challenges of parenthood and the value of ordinary moments. So true!

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